Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Have I mentioned, don't take anything or anyone for granted?

I guess this is the obituary to an at times magical relationship. One day you can be in a euphoric blissful state and less then a week later you can diminished to stuff in a box ready to be dropped off. Though the actual words were not spoken POI broke up with me today after 20 months together. It's not a very good birthday present, in fact it so sucks. I'm pissed and very disappointed. I frankly am a bit stunned by this decision. Aside from that, I really don't have anything negative to say about her other then that this isn't her best decision. I loved POI more then I thought would have been possible by any one human. She's stunning and honestly one of the highest quality people I've ever been around. POI's house is a house full of laughter and love and I was a part of that, which ment so so much. The at times magical moments we had is in such contrast to today. I feel empty. I feel like my best friend died today. POI and I aren't the only ones affected by this, A+R who I love as my own are going to miss me. I miss them already. Not having kids they were a new experience for me. They are truly great kids and POI is a good mother. It was a fun foursome. I grew in may ways during these 20 months and for that I am extremely grateful. If I had three wishes, I would use one of them here. Maybe I do, how long does it take for wishes to kick in?

Saturday, September 8, 2007

120 minute run...

..and I did it in 2 hours.

Central Park 11/03

Last night I got the official hand off of Chris' number for NY. This is the second time I'll be running as Chris Engel. When I run as Chris I like to take on all of his mannerisms and his persona. Crazy fun. There's talk that Kim may jump in with Dan and I. The usual jump in spot is around mile 12 in Brooklyn. Right now the line-up for the trip are Kim Chris, Dan and myself, staying at Mr. Potter's. The Georges may come up as well but would stay in a near by hotel.

I had to turn off the Michigan game. They were getting blown out again. ARGH!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

You know when you get really pissed off...

and no one seems to understand?

The Michigan game was the sourse of my pissed offness. There wan't even a line on that game. Michgan was #5 in the nation. They had never losed to a 1A school in their 115 year history of playing football. Well this past Saturday was the day when the universe was upside down. I was in Va Beach this weekend with the Kleinstacks, I checked in on the game on line when it was 28-17. I wasn’t happy but there was the second half and I knew Lloyd Carr would get their heads back on straight for the 3rd quarter. POI, was having a hard time getting her head around my pissed offness. I was a mess when I checked back in after the game. The season was over. There was no reason to watch another game. I can't read Sunday's paper. I can't watch any sports for days. This was the biggest upset in the history of college football. As my boy Chuch D put it " don't believe the hype". I said it last year and I’ll say it again, Lloyd should be fired. If he was in the private sector he would at the very least be on probation. His record notwithstanding. If Michigan doesn’t beat Ohio State this year he joins former OSU coach John Cooper in retirement.

Today POI asked if I was ok to watch football again. I told her it might be a few days before I can even read the paper. I’ll probably end up watching the Oregon game but right now I’m not interested. I just don’t want to hear more about that thing Saturday.

I feel better thank you for reading. Michigan still sucked.