Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yellow Laundry

I've always admired farmers and truckers. Farmers have to deal with planting, weather, locusts infestations and harvesting. Crops don't care if it's the 4th of July, farmers still have to do their farming. Same thing with truckers. They still haul their load on weekends, at night and during holidays. People need their stuff and they want it now. For the most part the only way it gets there is by truck. There are other professions like those in the serve and protect industry that fit this admiration but they get most of the attention. Not many kids growing up say that they want to be a trucker or farmer. So this photograph is my omage to the farmers and truckers of the world.

I had lunch with Kim, Catherine and Rebecca yesterday. It was Rebecca's 5th week birthday. We celebrated at Cameron Bar & Grill. Catherine is looking great. I hadn't seen her since before she had Rebecca and it was my first Rebecca sighting. I have to see Charles as a father. That should be interesting.

The Kleinstacks and I are heading north this weekend. Lori is running in a half marathon in NYC Sunday. Austin and Raven are going o be deposited in New Jersey and stay with aunt Grace. I was hoping to see Grand Master P while in NYC but he won't be in town-he may just be saying that.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random stuff

Classic: Yesterday was Lori's birthday and part of the celebration included taking three bags of clothes to Goodwill. It wasn't taking the clothes that was memorable but rather the bags she put them in. Only Kleinstack would have Coach, Williams Sonoma and Nordstrom's bags to take clothes to Goodwill. I still love her.

Facebook: I recently posted my profile at the recommendation of a friend who said it might be good for professional contacts. After a few days my main question is, why do people I don't know want to be my friend? Who are these people? Is there a friend shortage out there that I wasn't aware of?

Politics: If Obama or McCain aren't doing it for you these days there is a fairly strong Independent guy worth looking at further,

Pals: I haven't seen or heard from Charles and Catherine in some time. I've been a bit neglectful myself. That goes for Teresa and Scotty as well. My July 15th resolution is to reconnect with those fine people.

Karma: Do you lose Karma points if you say something less then kind about someone to people who don't know the person being commented on?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh Canada

Having run the numbers and reviewed the tapes, I can only conclude that this was the best trip to Howe Island ever!

We have been making the pilgrimage to Howe Island since 1968. This year the Kleinstacks helped rock the island. It was their first trip to Pickett Lane. Imagine if you will, no TV, no video games, no news, no heat, no internet, only fishing boating, running, reading, biking and watching the boats sail past.

The Kleinstacks and I stayed next door at the Gordon's. They have a 3 bedroom apartment which could not have been any more perfect. The deck was an amazing epicenter of bliss. Drinking coffee while watching the boats, come on. I don't care who you are, that's cool. It was next door to where the Custacks and Kaufmans were staying so our commute was minimal.

Very little has changed on the island in 40 years, which is a huge part of the beauty. Aside from a few more cottages and the main ferry increasing capacity to 15 cars, the Kleinstacks saw the island as I did when I was 10 years old. I am so lucky to have shared my favorite spot on the planet with my favorite people on the planet.

If you can't get to Tuscany to write a book, Howe Island would be a great alternative.