Sunday, October 7, 2007

Let's try this again...

After a couple of attempts at reconciling things with POI, today was our final conversation. The fact that POI doesn't see me in her life long term finally sunk in. To know the kind of relationship we had on the deepest level, it remains difficult to comprehend how or why it's over but not seeing me long term in her life is a tough obstacle to overcome. She's one in 1.8 million. I couldn't love, respect or adore anyone more then I do/did her. She was truly my "it" girl. I will miss she and her children and all that they brought me for a very long time. I certainly pled my case with her and nothing would please me more then for her to see that what we had was rare and that that wins the day but she's not going to change which means I have to move on. If I had 3 wishes I would use one of them here and POI and I would continue the magic. But I can't wait and wish. I'm going to give Match another go, it's where I met POI and maybe lightening will strike twice. This may be a fruitless venture sense I would be looking for POI sans all the thinking. I get the hebbies just thinking about anyone else even touching POI. YUCK!

So one person walks out of my life and another one re-enters. I spent 2 hours of my day today, that I should have spent in WK, having coffee and talking with Kyle Hood ( a photographer I repped back in the glory days of my repping career. We parted on not so good terms and frankly I was surprised to hear from him. I was his best man at his wedding 9 years ago. After his apologies and my accepting of those apologies we talked about working together again. He's a good guy and he does take some pretty pictures so I think I'm going to do it. I have to talk to my web designer to see what it would take to add him to my sight and retain the clean design that it presently has.

Tomorrow's topic is my week last week in Michigan taking care of my sister's children...

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