Sunday, November 30, 2008

I love food, however... gastrointestinal capacity was tested over the past few days. Too Much by Dave Matthews Band kept running through my head. I'm so glad there's a tomorrow so that I can get back to running and get back to normal.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

What the heck has happened to November?

It's already November 17th.

Raven and I were playing around with Photo Booth earlier tonight and she went a little nuts as seen here. The Kleinstack had to put down Zoe today. She had several ailments that were beyond repair. Her quality of life wasn't very good the past few weeks. A few rounds with Photo Booth was a nice escape.

The election was a few weeks ago and as mentioned in my '08 predictions earlier this year our nation has elected it's first black President. Cool stuff my friend. Another of my predictions that has come to fruition is Green going mainstream. If you aren't green then you don't love apple pie or mama.

This month's fad is Facebook. The biggest draw to Facebook in my opinion is all the people that come out of the woodwork to check in. People I haven't thought about in years have appeared on my Facebook door step.

Monday, October 27, 2008

A couple of self portraits

The NYC Marathon is Sunday. I'll be driving up with the Kleinstacks Saturday. Dan has broken his silence and has committed to running. I just confirmed things with Mr. Potter. The trip isn't going to be the same this year without Kim Taryn and Chris. Mr. Potter will only be there long enough to greet us before he heads back to the farm. So it will be just Dan and I staying at
111 E. 85th Street #F9. The Kleinstacks will be staying at Lori's aunt's spare apartment.

I voted today. I've never voted early before but I'll be at the Martins Tuesday. Because I have voted already, I wish there was a way you could program your radio and TV so you don't have to hear or see anymore political ads.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun with Photo Booth

I've been playing with my snazzy new computer and found Photo Booth. It's like your own private photo booth, crazy.

Recent thoughts:

Poole's was a great time but it might not make it into the rotation.

Humble Pie is great as usual.

I'm glad fall has arrived.

Michigan beat Wisconsin.

I'm looking forward to my trip to Michigan this weekend. Kleinstack is also making the trip. Wedding and Abigail's baptism are on the social docket.

Did I leave the iron on?

I officially became part of the (CHLC) coffee house laptop crowd today. I met Chris and Lori for coffee at Helios. I don't feel different but I don't feel as pure.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Area Man Reads At A Third Grade Level

Today I read to Raven's 3rd grade class. I went with Skippyjon Jones and Mummy Trouble. It's a personal favorite of Miss Raven. She prefers that I read Skippyjon's parts with a Spanish accent. It does add a bit of texture. I gotta be honest, my Spanish accent isn't that great.

I had a big day on the technology front. I transfered all the junk from my iMac to my brand new Macbook Pro. Nothing could prepare you for the new heights of technological prowess here in c6. This was a birthday gift from the Kleinstacks.

This past Saturday was the first day of my next 50 years. Finche's, Pooles and Humble Pie were the stops Saturday celebrating my day. I couldn't lose Kim Chris and Lori. A quality group of great people were in attendance. It was a great day.

It's cold tonight. I am so glad fall has finally arrived. Lori and I are going to a wedding in Michigan next weekend. Hopefully the leaves will be in full fall colors there.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thoughts on the conventions

Presidential Election: The difference between watching the opening ceremonies last week's Democratic Convention and tonight with the Republican Convention is like watching a football game V. watching the food line at K&W. I was watching the GOP party tonight and apparently only AARP members were invited. Only one black guy made it. This years choice isn't like the old adage of picking between the lesser of two evils. These are two solid candidates, two good people but the spirit of the two is vastly different both of the individuals but also of their campaigns. The recent window dressing by McCain isn't going to change that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sometimes you can send a boy to do a mans job

Topher felt the need to build and he wasn't going to wait to be told what or how. That's my boy. He could have used saw ponys rather then saw horses.

I didn't think I would get into the Olympics this year but I'm hooked. The University of Michigan is single handedly dominating the Men's swimming competition. Michael Phelps, Peter Vanderkaay and Scott Spann are breaking world records and taking home the hardware.

Have you seen the women's beach volleyball uniforms? I have a real appreciation for the sport. Not only do the women have to play volleyball but they also have to navigate keeping their uniforms on. It's a good look.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Yellow Laundry

I've always admired farmers and truckers. Farmers have to deal with planting, weather, locusts infestations and harvesting. Crops don't care if it's the 4th of July, farmers still have to do their farming. Same thing with truckers. They still haul their load on weekends, at night and during holidays. People need their stuff and they want it now. For the most part the only way it gets there is by truck. There are other professions like those in the serve and protect industry that fit this admiration but they get most of the attention. Not many kids growing up say that they want to be a trucker or farmer. So this photograph is my omage to the farmers and truckers of the world.

I had lunch with Kim, Catherine and Rebecca yesterday. It was Rebecca's 5th week birthday. We celebrated at Cameron Bar & Grill. Catherine is looking great. I hadn't seen her since before she had Rebecca and it was my first Rebecca sighting. I have to see Charles as a father. That should be interesting.

The Kleinstacks and I are heading north this weekend. Lori is running in a half marathon in NYC Sunday. Austin and Raven are going o be deposited in New Jersey and stay with aunt Grace. I was hoping to see Grand Master P while in NYC but he won't be in town-he may just be saying that.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Random stuff

Classic: Yesterday was Lori's birthday and part of the celebration included taking three bags of clothes to Goodwill. It wasn't taking the clothes that was memorable but rather the bags she put them in. Only Kleinstack would have Coach, Williams Sonoma and Nordstrom's bags to take clothes to Goodwill. I still love her.

Facebook: I recently posted my profile at the recommendation of a friend who said it might be good for professional contacts. After a few days my main question is, why do people I don't know want to be my friend? Who are these people? Is there a friend shortage out there that I wasn't aware of?

Politics: If Obama or McCain aren't doing it for you these days there is a fairly strong Independent guy worth looking at further,

Pals: I haven't seen or heard from Charles and Catherine in some time. I've been a bit neglectful myself. That goes for Teresa and Scotty as well. My July 15th resolution is to reconnect with those fine people.

Karma: Do you lose Karma points if you say something less then kind about someone to people who don't know the person being commented on?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Oh Canada

Having run the numbers and reviewed the tapes, I can only conclude that this was the best trip to Howe Island ever!

We have been making the pilgrimage to Howe Island since 1968. This year the Kleinstacks helped rock the island. It was their first trip to Pickett Lane. Imagine if you will, no TV, no video games, no news, no heat, no internet, only fishing boating, running, reading, biking and watching the boats sail past.

The Kleinstacks and I stayed next door at the Gordon's. They have a 3 bedroom apartment which could not have been any more perfect. The deck was an amazing epicenter of bliss. Drinking coffee while watching the boats, come on. I don't care who you are, that's cool. It was next door to where the Custacks and Kaufmans were staying so our commute was minimal.

Very little has changed on the island in 40 years, which is a huge part of the beauty. Aside from a few more cottages and the main ferry increasing capacity to 15 cars, the Kleinstacks saw the island as I did when I was 10 years old. I am so lucky to have shared my favorite spot on the planet with my favorite people on the planet.

If you can't get to Tuscany to write a book, Howe Island would be a great alternative.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Disintegration is the best album ever

Kleinstack and I went to Charlotte to see The Cure yesterday. After U2, The Cure is my favorite band. I would have to say that Bobcat Arena is not a place to see a concert. The acoustics sucked. But Just Like Heaven, Close To You, Love Song, Pictures of You, In Between Days, Let's Go To Bed were covered. They played for over 3 hours and given the sound system I finally had to cry uncle after the first encore. That being said I still loved it and Kleinstack was a real trooper given that she only knows maybe 2 songs of theirs.

Along with the entertainment of the concert there was the entertainment of the audience. There was solid evidence that there's someone for everyone out there. Given the band, the crowd was going to be an assembly of Charlotte's finest characters. If Charles Darwin had a store, several of those people would have come from Darwin's Bargain Basement outlet.

We stayed at The Dunhill (Finished Mountain if you will). It was a perfect location, about 4 blocks from the arena. It was a nice hotel but our room was kind of warm and needed a little cosmetic attention.

The city of Charlotte was a buzz with construction. We were very impressed. It actually looks like a city. Lots of cool architecture and the downtown (or uptown) had a lot going on. I did wonder, if we were in Uptown where was Downtown or Midtown. It may just be a bit of Atlanta envy.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

An Update from the Predictions desk at c6

Five month review of 2008 Predictions

1) Half Right-Presidential Finalists Romney and Obama. McCain and Obama
3) Right-Stanley Cup Winner Detroit Red Wings
4) Right-Local office of AccessGLT will be awarded it's first job. Smurfit-Stone
5) Right- Chris will shoot his first commercial job and consider leaving Pharma. Out of pharma and concentrating on photography.
7) Wrong-New England wins the Super Bowl. New York Giants.
8) Wrong-Georges are having a boy. It's a girl-no name yet.
10) Wrong-Teresa and Scotty announce their return to Raleigh. Scotty's job and Teresa returning to school for her PhD will keep them in DC
15) Wrong-NBA Champions Detroit Pistons. Lost to Boston in the Eastern Finals
17) 20% Right-Kim, Chris, Lori, Dan and I will run the NYC Marathon. Only Dan got in.
18) Right-All things eco friendly will become mainstream. Everyday more and more is green from houses to cars and all points in between.

Next Prediction update will be November 5 after a new President is elected.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Today I voted and got a sticker

Today was the primary. Pullen Art center was my spot to exercise my constitutional right. I love the idea of voting and everyone should. However the thing that make the experience somewhat of a buzz kill in the end are the propaganda vultures waiting to pounce on the way into the voting place. These people swoop in with their brochures, signs, buttons and cheers. They truly invade your space. I’ll I wanted to do was go in, do my business and leave, knowing I took part in this 232 year old ritual. Then when you're done voting you walk out and you find that the love is gone. They don't even look at you. They’re too busy hitting on the fresh meat. It's like a one night stand. I feel so used, but I voted.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Today in business it doesn't matter where you are...

From the quiet confines of c6 and with the assistance from my AccessGLT people in SF,CA I submitted a bid to Xerox today worth $19,581,090. The bid is for ocean freight from China, Japan and Korea to their various U.S. facilities.
I have seen any numbers yet but this may be the largest bid today in the U.S. from a bedroom.

You know when you do something without thinking and it effects someone else negatively, and that person isn’t mad as much as they’re disappointed in the action. It’s much easier to deal with some getting mad. You can get over being mad. Disappointment is tough, there isn’t a do-over. You can back up but that has limited success. Even in the short term, saying you’re sorry doesn’t cut it. Thinking is hard and you have to do it all the time. Not thinking though can have many unforeseen consequences. Word of the day is, think.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What do you do if you run out of whitener?

I guess I take where I live for granted but if you lived in some parts of Montana, even getting necessities like 1/2 and 1/2 require logistical decisions. There's no real point to that other then I'm out of whitener and I don't have a man servant. Even having associates doesn't help at 10:40 pm.

Monday was signup day for the NYC Marathon. Kim Chris and have signed up. I need to check on Dan to see if he's registered.
I'm considering running in a half marathon in April. I've already run in a 5k road race this year so I should be ready, right?

I should hear about the Boeing photo job tomorrow. It's my first $100k+ estimate in about 4 years. That would be huge not just for the money but for Robb's portfolio and maybe most importantly, morale. All fingers are crossed here in c6. I won't hear about the trucking bid for a few weeks. That one would also be big stuff, for money but again for morale.

I hope eveyone (all two of you who read this blog) has a fantastic March.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Random Stuff

Central Washington State.

If you only saw the last 5 minutes of yesterday's Super Bowl then you saw the best 5 minutes of any Super Bowl.

Clichés that need to go away:
At the end of the day.
It is, what it is.
The Next Level.
And what not.

My prediction list isn't looking as fortuitous as I had hoped. Two predictions have already gone south on me; Charles and Catherine are having a girl and not a boy and New England didn't win the Super Bowl.

House is my favorite show.

Recently downloaded songs:
A Certain Romance-Arctic Monkeys
#1 Crush-Garbage
Rainy Season-Howard Devoto
Flying High-Jem
My Worst Enemy-Lit
Nothing Natural-Lush
Right Now-Mark Knopfler and Emmylou Harris
Heaven-Rolling Stones
Phantom Limb-The Shins
Disarm-Smashing Pumpkins
Shut Your Eyes-Snow Patrol
Incinerate-Sonic Youth

I love me some POI

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Abigail, the wife of David and the Mother of Daniel

Abigail Katherine Custack is scheduled to join the human race tomorrow at 7:30am. Amy is going in for a C Section due in part to the complications she had with Marin. I asked Dan if they could incorporate my name into Abigail's name and he said he'd see what he could do. Then I looked up her name on my source for everything Wikipedia, and found the connection, though way unintended. I'll still take it. Then there was the further connection to Dan. Too crazy.
Possible nick names are Abkat, AbiKathy, Abstack. As long as no one calls her Gail. You can't call a new born Gail.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

If you have a pulse you may have symptoms of...

Disease dejour, headache for sure.
How do we find the right prescription?
Where do we find the cure?
You may have ___ and not even know it.
If you have an erection lasting more then fours hours see your doctor
What are your symptoms?
Side effects may include nausea, constipation, dizziness, impotence and dry mouth.
Tell your doctor if you've been experiencing...
Don't take if you're pregnant, have a history of liver disease
Ask Your doctor
Could be a sign of a worsening condition

There was a time when advertising prescription medication was banned from television. When the ban was lifted they were relegated to mainly Sunday morning news programs but now they've proliferated print TV and radio.
Some of these advertised drugs have proven to be more dangerous then the symptoms they're designed to treat. Avandia Zelnorm and Vioxx have caused congestive heart failure and strokes in some patients. My favorite side effect can be found in Mirapex, which treats Restless Leg Syndrome (who the fuck came up with this one?), it may cause an increase in gambling. Seriously. They mention it in their ads.

I don't really have a point with all this, other then to ask or wonder how we ever got along without all these medications treating every conceivable human condition? I must be reaching the curmudgeon stage of life. What would the drug to treat that be called? Someone somewhere is working on itnow I'm sure.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

23 Predictions for 2008

1 Presidential finalists-Romney and Obama.
2 US will elect their first black President.
3 Stanly Cup Winner-Detroit Red Wings.
4 The local office of AccessGLT will be awarded the first of many transportation jobs.
5 Chris will shoot his first commercial job and consider leaving the pharmaceutical industry.
6 Taryn will graduate from college and become a US Citizen.
7 Super Bowl Winner-New England.
8 The Georges will have a Boy.
9 Kim and Ethan will announce that they are pregnant.
10 Teresa and Scotty will announce that they are returning to Raleigh.
11 Led Zeppelin will tour the US including a stop in Charlotte.
12 Custack and Associates will reclaim the success of it's glory years.
13 Advertising trend towards youth will be reversed as people get tired of those whiny entitled bastards.
14 Summer temps will be more reasonable.
15 NBA Champions-Detroit Pistons.
16 Lori will crusade an effort to get high school grads to forgo college for two years to perform community service domestically and internationally.
17 Kim, Chris, Lori, Dan and I will run the NYC Marathon.
18 All things eco friendly will become mainstream leaving NPR listeners scrambling for a new cause.
19 Gas prices will reach $4.00/gallon and no one will bark about it.
20 With more reality shows TV will sink further on people's "to do" list.
21 Stock in companies that deal with obesity and problems of aging will be a great place to put your money.
22 World Series Winner-Detroit Tigers.
23 Everyone I know will have a wonderful, prosperous and fulfilling 2008.