Saturday, May 21, 2011

Dating advice from Pud

Last night I met my old pal Pud at Humble Pie for a drink. Humble Pie has a great outside bar and 2 Hearted Ale is only $3.50. I haven't been out with just Pud and I in really long time.

Pud has been separated for nearly a year but didn't start dating until maybe 5 months ago. He felt with all of the wisdom he has gained in the last 5 months he need to share. Imagine listening to dating advice from George Costanza and you get the idea of pearls that would come forward.

The main thing is "Just be normal and don't be a dick" and you're in.
That's it. According to Pud women in their 40's-50's on Match are so use to men that lie and are basically dicks that if you're nice and "normal" you really stand out.

While he's sharing his knowledge of the needs and wants of women he's looking at every woman there and giving editorial comments about each.

Pud has been dating a few people. They must be thin and physically fit. Unfortunately one of the women he's dating needs to drop another 9 lbs or she risks get cut. When I asked him if he was acting contrary to his advice against acting like a dick, he said no, that he was working hard to stay in shape and expects his ladies to do the same. Asking again how that requirement wasn't dickish he didn't see it that way so it wasn't dickish.
I guess there's situational dickishness that's acceptable.

I was thankful for Pud taking the time to help me navigate the dating world but I think I've got it from here.

I'm glad I go out even though I got a $30 parking ticket. I just wanted a beer or two. I didn't order a ticket. I've been in such a good mood lately that the ticket is just a ticket. No big whoop.

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