Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Menapous and the First Date

Tonight was Ann from Clayton. Yes Clayton of Johnson County. I'll take Wake Forest over Clayton any time upon reflection. Johnson county is an odd place. It's a booming community with pharmaceutical companies and red necks. Ann at 52 is the oldest person I have ever gone out with... 518 was the agreed upon location. 518 wasn't as busy as it once was though it's always been one of my favorites. After the first round of drinks and before the tasty Calamari Ann started fanning herself with vim and vigor. She was getting hot flashes. Not that there was a buzz to kill but if there was it would be killed. She could focus on nothing else. This went on for maybe 10 minutes. I couldn't find anything in the Match.com Worst Case Scenario handbook on what to say or do.

This Match thing is a nice ego boost and if desired I could go out every night. One of the things I've noticed is that there are a lot of desperate people out there. I don't know these people and yet they're saying all sort of desperate sounding things. I sure wouldn't say the things that are being said.

64 months ago I went out on a perfect date. It's to date the best date I have ever been on. From the first to last second it was great. Fun, laughter a real connection and topped off with great sex. There was chemestry and fireworks! It was a date for the ages. I know that date was one that comes along once in a life time but Can another even come close? I need to let the past go and start a new memory a new best date ever. Frankly that's silly talk, your past will always influence your present. The trick is is to learn that the present may not have anything to do with the past. There's comfort in the past and it's what we retreat to when stressed. After a date like tonight I want to retreat to my past to my best date ever. The problem is is that that reality too is in the past so how can I move on if I base every date, every person on the best date ever?

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