Sunday, May 15, 2011


When you request to "friend" someone and they don't respond but don't deny, their posts make it to your homepage once in a while. The requested friend doesn't necessarily know that their posts are being seen the the requester. I of course was friends with my former Person Of Interest but when we broke up I "unfriended" not wanting to see her posts. Then some time past and I sent her a "friend" request, which was never accepted or denied. That being said I didn't mind seeing the occasional post by POI. Today that all changed. She posted that she was now friends with her new boy. My heart sunk. I knew his first name and today his last.

I closed the page immediately. The end of this/that relationship has been like a slow drip. Little by little my family has gone away and now there's a full name to my replacement.

I opened facebook again. I needed to now put a face to the name of POI's new man. Now I know. My feelings have nothing to do with him. I'm sure he's a really great guy or she wouldn't be with him but honestly, not what I would have expected. Maybe a bit more closure came from this.

I searched and found how to cancel the friend request, which I did.

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